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The Best Time to Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign
This week I want to share my findings on the best time to launch a crowdfunding campaign.
First of all, you should know that before you launch a campaign you need time to prepare, probably months, and there is nothing rushing you to launch your campaign. You should launch a campaign only when you know you are ready (when you have enough subscribers in your mailing list, you have created the perfect pitch video, and/or sacrificed enough chickens to your deity of choice).
Once you know when you’ll be ready, then choose the best date around that time.

Successfully Funded Campaigns per Month (data from Kickstarter)
The Next Generation Trading Card Game is coming!
Blobbiemundo™ is a new Trading Card Game with a unique combat dynamic, in which you control colorful beings called “Blobbies”, which can change shape to become powerful animals, vehicles, and more!
Blobbiemundo is currently being played in Perú, with seasonal tournaments and thousands of dollars in prizes.
Download a FREE Print & Play version now!
Blobbie Blue (Apotropaic)
Blobbie Blue, loves to share its experience and its feelings. Enjoys talking to new people and giving advice. Always truthful and honest. Prefers having a few close friendships rather than lots of friends. Likes its independence.
Sometimes a bit melancholic and too lonesome.
Pookie and Tushka® find a little piano – Free eBook
Meet Pookie and Tushka, winner of the “BEST NEW CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE YEAR” award!
A frozen little piano arrives to the shores of the Icelands, bringing Pookie the penguin and Tushka the polar bear fun, excitement, and a heartwarming lesson about the essence of friendship.
Ice Math Ninja
This fun Pookie and Tushka app, winner of “BEST TECHNOLOGY OF THE YEAR” is an educational alternative to the popular ninja games!
Swipe your fingers to control Tushka’s magical fire-swords and slice through glimmering frozen numbers!